My Focus will be to:

  • 1. Preserve Citizens', Children's & Parental Rights

    Preserving citizen, parental and children's rights is tantamount to the survival of this district and the community. Government has tried to take over every aspect of our lives and it's time we take back that ability ourselves. They have overstepped their bounds via mandates disguised and presented as laws, and the Vail Governing Board needs to remember they work for the people who elected them! We need to remind the government that they cannot usurp our God-given rights and I will uphold all federal, state, and local laws that do not trample on the rights of this community. "Mandates" are not laws, but guidelines and recommendations. If a government entity tries to blackmail this board into doing things against the will of the people and the law, they will be held to account.

  • 2.  Collaborate Closely with Those in the
         Vail Community Regarding Decisions
         for Your Children.

    Bring the Vail School District community, students and parents back in to the meetings, and include them fully when making monetary decisions, bring back curriculum transparency in advance of learning, not after the fact, and be sure that there are town halls and special meetings brought around when it is necessary and can effect the community as a whole, which will, in turn, affect how the schools may operate.

  • 3.  Bring Believability, Integrity & Honesty Back
         to the Governing Board.

    Believability, honesty, integrity must return to this Governing Board. Vail has a beautiful, rich history that has been marred in recent years because of the multitude of back room deals and quiet decisions that should include the public but do not. I have called on this current Governing Board to bring clarity and more explanation on the deals being cut yet were never disclosed until the ink was dry. This activity is unacceptable and should be explained to the public prior to any signatures on the documents.

I will work with our teachers and staff on a quarterly basis to see what they are short on and see if we can meet their needs, including finding a way to give them better pay and support mechanisms for their classrooms by way of actual assistants and support staff if necessary.

For too long this Governing Board has played catch up with the pay scales. With current economic and minimum wage issues, this should have been a priority and instead fell by the wayside. We need to get this back on track!

My promise to this community is to be sure that Vail has its solid reputation back, remove the agenda-driven diversity and equity teachings from this district, and simply go back to academic excellence! The kids in this district are awesome and we need to nurture these brilliant minds to their fullest potential!

Our IEP students need to be recognized for their abilities, not as a number or a dollar sign! They need help and this program needs a jump start by enhancing the current model and for this to become a greater asset for ours and other districts to follow across the state and the country.

In 2021, the AZ Merit tests were abysmal for other districts, while ours got 3 schools who scored with A+ ratings and others with an A. The rest were sitting at a 66% score on average, while Tucson scored an abysmal 30% in reading and math! We held our own during Covid, but that's not the issue any more. Our teachers need to care more, interact more, offer more assistance to these students and when that happens, we've seen the excellent results that can be produced by this district by way of first and second place offerings in competitions!

Join me in working together again to make this district what people expect it to be!  Please come back to the meetings, support us, and my promise to you will be full transparency and disclosure. This community and our children deserve that! Your support, help, and funding will help us all succeed!

With your help, support
and funding, we can

 make this happen


Candidate for VUSD Governing Board

Vail, AZ 85641

Phone: ‭(888) 290-9118‬

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